Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How to plan and set goals

* Setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life and what you want to achieve. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation.

* Create your long term goal of what you want to do with your life say, the next 10 or 20 years Then, you break these down into the smaller and smaller targets like yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily goals.
    * Once you have your plan, you start working on it to achieve these goals.
      * Some of the areas where you can have your goals are Career , Financial , Education , Family , Physical , Self Development, Pleasure , Public Service.
        * Make goals as SMART (S- Specific ,M- Measurable, A-  Attainable, R- Relevant, T-  Time-bound ) and set deadline to each of those.


          How to plan your day

          * Best time to plan your day is the night before, make the list of all the tasks which needs to be accomplished next day. By doing this your subconscious mind will be working on those tasks.

          * Make list of tasks to do and assign priority and timeframe.

          * Break the larger tasks into minute tasks, atleast 15 minutes.

          * As soon as you accomplish the tasks strick or delete it.

          How to become rich

          * To become rich you need to think rich.

          * Work extra hours and learn additional skills.

          * Invest in shares and diversify your savings in Mutual fund, gold, bonds, fixed deposit etc.

          * Follow a role model who have already achieved wealth and do what they do.


          Tuesday, March 3, 2015

          Stock market secrets

          * Buy when stocks are low and sell when stocks are high. Look at the management before investing. Same holds good for mutual fund.

          * Buy shares in limit order and sell with market order.

          * While selling make the plan and set the upper and lower threshold limit price which you will sell. Invest in shares for long term for maximum returns.

          * Invest in companies which doesn't have loans and debts. Invest in brand value company. Check the consistency of last 5 years and check competitors.

          * Prepare entry and exit plan before trading. Have discipline while trading.

          * Dont invest more than 205 in single investment. Make master plan of how to trade.

          * Diversify your investment to reduce risk, trade with trends (Current trends), done listen to news, listen to real news. Dont listen to broker. Dont buy shared based on news.

          * Buy shares in uptrend and sell in down trens. If there is a demand, stock price moves up and if there is supply is more then stock falls.

          * Exit blindly if the stop loss trigers i.e if stock is going down.

          * Invest in stock market with clear goal. Exit your position if your goal is achieved and dont be greedy. Dont have emotion with stocks or company. Take your profits regularly.

          Monday, February 16, 2015

          6 Ideas for Making Money

          Ideas for Making Money

          * Save, sell something which is not used, pay less tax, increase your income, borrow money from others, don't pay interest, cut down expenses, maintain contact with rich people, automate savings.

          * Small business ideas : Find hungry market, find the ways where we get more money, solve people complex problem.

          * Trading basic rules : Dont invest more that 20% of you income in single investment, create master plan of how to trade, diversify your investment to reduce risk, trade with current trends, dont listen to media news (listen to real news), have disciplines in trading, buy when stocks are low and sell when stocks are high.

          * Mutual fund buying tips: Look at management before investing in the MF.

          * Online ideas : Write article online, Create blog/website, Teach someones, Earn through youtube.

          * Business Ideas : Gym or Fitness center, Tuition Class, Freelancer, Computer Trainer, Recruitment Firm, Web Designing & hosting, Starting online Blog, Data Entry services, SEO Consultant, E-tuitions/ Webinar, E-book selling


          Tuesday, February 10, 2015

          Improve memory

          * Do memory map to recall all the things happened in past. Recall all the funny incidents.

          * Have lots of discussion , teach others, listen to audio visual, give presentation.

          * Play mind games, get organized with to do list, master a new skills, clench your right feast, learn something new before you sleep, exercise more, drink more milk, eat right diet daily and drink water, keep thinking all the time, sleep daily for 6 - 8 hrs.


          How to stay healthy

          * Meditate yourself by doing focus count. Start with one, while meditation when your mind goes out of concentration, increase count. Check the final count after each meditation.

          * Do yoga and exercise 30 mins and 5 days a week.

          Monday, February 9, 2015

          7 Ways To Improve Your social networking skills

          Improve social networking skills

          * Register to community or groups in the society and make new friends

          * Find people at meet up.com and start meeting people, search for interested events and meet , in Facebook register to groups, join charity groups , search for scientific events.

          * Share something interesting like joke or tech with your friends. Think how can i help my friends.

          * Looking approachable : Smile and talk to people, dress well and neat, be confident, no fear, have new hobbies to go outside.

          * Avoid shy : Read caring for introvert, change your thinking, study the no shy people, talk slowly, focus on talking slowly always, networking is giving them something, helping someone.

          * Give them something, concentrate on what they talk, listen to them, ask questions, talk to people what they like.

          * Some of the conversation topics are valuable experience of your life, tell stories, talk about your CV, talk about your work, product.


          Self development

          * Moving out of comfort zone : If you set out of comfort zone then you are growing else you die, comfort zone allows you to explore more, take a activity which will scare like presentation, marathon, sky dying etc. list some of things to come out of comfort zone, find what is my comfort zone and what actions need to be taken to move out of comfort zone.

          * Don't make excuses and don't blame others. Make habit of taking responsibility. Make different choices.

          * Don't ask responsibility but take responsibility. Take more initiative.

          * Have confidence in you , talk positively to yourself , positively visualize yourself what you want to achieve, hang out with successful, energetic people, read inspirational things , eat healthy and exercise regularly , have positive expectations

          * Break big problems into small ones , set small target to achieve, ask the experts.

          * Identify and write your insecurities  or which you are ashamed of. Start talking to people, don't dwell on your mistakes, identify which you are great at and improve, be thankful of what you have , eliminate negativity , accept compliments , stick to your principles , help others, do something which you will make happy.

          * Believe in yourself , practice everyday, be ontime , integrity , give self love to yourself , reward to yourself , implement morning rituals.

          * Identify what did I do wrong last year, what do I need to do next year, what are the goals for next year, how can I make your job easier, skills to develop, how can I improve our business.

          * To avoid stress do things you like.

          * Have strong will power, take baby step, good habit every day, hang out with successful people, first avoid bad habits , get motivated, change daily routines and practice, get knowledge and act on the knowledge , make action list and follow.

          * Learn new skills every year , find what skills are required to achieve my goals and build on that.

          * Set long term goal and constantly review it, set SMART goals, before setting long term goal think where I want to be in next 5 years , how do I want to spend time,
          Break long term goals into short term goals, from short term goals take smallest task and complete and then move on and celebrate. Plan for for distractions and failures.

          Public speaking skills

          * Stop for 2 sec, question to have clarity at both ends, practice , visualize the public speaking and feel the success.

          * Cause of shyness are self obsession , poor self image , thinking negative. To overcome define the problem, identify your strength , focus on outcome and people , say positive words I can do, make a success record of shyness.

          * Record and practice public speaking in your mobile using camera.

          * Talk with more energy, listen carefully , don't get nervous, identify what they are interested and talk about that topic, explore what's new around you, tech, politics etc.

          * Listen clearly , take deep breath and then talk , have emotions in talk , ask specifically what you want ,  have positive. Have good Body language, find the cultural differences , don't blame.


          Sunday, February 8, 2015

          Email writing tips

          * Email should consists of 3 parts. 1. Opening that greets reader and introduces the topic, reference to previous contact or introduction or background and purpose of the mail 2. Middle which expands about the topic and 3. End, light conclusion and if any action reader should take.

          * Email writing has three phases : Pre write (what info need to be conveyed) , draft (sentences) , review , refine (read and check).

          * Give examples, reasons, intend it , do not use contractions like don't , can't etc.

          * Write the message clearly so that others understand.

          * Have spelling checked before sending message.

          * Dont write long emails, write email template for common daily , weekly or monthly emails.

          Tuesday, January 27, 2015

          Improve writing skills

          Improve writing skills
          * Write the message clearly so that others understand.

          * Have spelling checked before sending message.

          Leadership qualities

          Qualities a leader should have
          * Leader should have strong communication skills. He should be able to speak and write persuasively. Leader should be a good listener and listen completely when people talk.

          * Leader should motivate team members to achieve towards goals.

          * Leader should have positive attitude toward team-based work, leader should create solution for the problem, get regular training and attend conferences.

          * Leader should treat the team fairly and should handle the conflicts.

          * Be transparent with your team and keep track of all the activities your team members are doing.

          * Leaders always tell truth always and take responsibility of the outcome, ask feedback for improvement.

          * To be a great leader follow a great leader.

          * Some of the poor leadership skills are not planning , dictating instead of being part of team,ineffective communication, ineffective  time management, focus on administrative instead of results.

          * Some of the leader mistakes are : giving self interest than organization interest, want more money, not living to their values, no vision, acting fast without thinking.

          * Leader should have big picture(vision) , have confidence , have good communication skills, ability to inspire and motivate people , take more responsibilities , integrity (doing right things , honesty).

          * Set achievable leadership goals, try different leadership opportunity , follow a role model leader.

          * Train the team , have vision and strategic plan , understand the organisation goals and then plan,  talk with team.

          * Leader should take more initiative , prevent problems from happening , motivate others, constant learning , delegate work to others, handle difficult people and manage conflict , be a follower.

          Time Management

          Time Management

          * Keep time log of daily activities , identify the time wasters and eliminate the time wasters.

          * Dont waste your productive part of your day. Say your productive part of the day may be morning or evening, don't waste it.

          * Identify the time wasters and avoid it, don't waste time during morning, read something inspirational everyday for 30 mins.

          * Create todo, checklist for activities, organize your desktop and mails, plan tomorrow tasks today, gather and prepare for tasks, allocate time slot.

          * Keep away from distractions, if there is no value for work then say no, identify activities which I don't need to do and delegate or remove.

          * Plan your day well in advance, break large tasks into small one, break the tasks as small as 15 mins and execute, measure progress of previous day and how to improve.

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