Showing posts with label Self Improvement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self Improvement. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

App marketing Strategy - How to make your successful

Below are some of the strategy for App marketing

  • Simply rewording your app’s top description on the Android Market, for example, may result in an increase of 10–25 downloads per day if your original wording did not get right to the point.
  • Your strategy for obtaining reviews for your app should be to contact as many Android app review sites as possible that are likely to review your app.
  • Send message for website blogs to wirte a blog on the app
  • You will want to make sure the following items are updated to carry your new app’s message
  • Icon— Carefully evaluate your app’s icon to ensure that the graphic describes your app and conveys the value of your app. 
  • Website— All content on your website should express, convey, and highlight your unique message (for example, fast action play), thus leaving no doubt in the minds of your customers as to the key values of your app.
  • Improving the app graphics displayed on the Android Market will help you increase your downloads by some percentage as well.
  • Android Market app page— All your content and graphics displayed on the Android Market will help direct readers to your app’s key values and encourage them make a buying decision concerning your app. The first few sentences on your Android Market page that describe your app are crucial. Make sure you get right to the heart of what your app does and the value it provides in the first two sentences.

Direct marketing for your app

           Direct marketing includes mailing and emailing.

Promoting your app

  • Newspapers

Subject Line: New Android App Helps Owners Keep Their Gardens Alive!
Dear Editor (use his or her real name),
I have recently completed this exciting new Android app that allows an Android user to take care of their gardens with clear pictures, descriptions, and tips for many garden varieties across the U.S. and Canada. Because of your coverage of home and garden topics, I feel this app would be of great interest to you and your readers. I would be happy to provide you with a free copy of this app and give you a demonstration of its benefits. I look forward to hearing your response!
Kind Regards,
Your Name
Your Phone Number

  • Advertising Your Apps

                  AdMob offers pay-per-click (CPC) advertising on thousands of mobile websites and Android apps for Android developers. You decide how much to pay per click through AdMob’s auction-based pricing system. The minimum amount to start an ad campaign is $50.
Mobclix is another ad platform that provides analytics and monetization through advertising and distribution for application developers.

  • Paid Search

Google, Yahoo!, and other search engines provide the capability to perform a paid search to locate your product website.
When they perform a search, your website will appear in the “paid” listings section of these search engines. When a user clicks over to your website, you are charged a fee for each click through.
Online advertising includes placing company information, products, descriptions of your apps, and so on, in online listings, including Android app directories.

Building a community

                Maintaining an accurate user list or having a way to reach out to your customers is imperative to a successful customer-retention program. 

Facebook :  First, you want to be found by people who are interested in buying your Android apps. Second, you want to connect with these potential customers and establish a relationship with them. You can use Facebook to create a business page for your app within a few minutes. Once you have completed all the details for your page, you can then invite your friends to become fans of your business (app) page. This will help you to initiate the viral marketing process for your app. When people join your Fan Page, it’s published in their newsfeed for all their friends to read, thus further helping the word to get out about your app.

Twitter : When you do a press release, be sure to Tweet out to your followers with a link to your announcement. Ask your followers to do you a favor and re-Tweet the post to their followers. This will help you spread the word about your app, and this helps you establish a sense of community with like-minded users of your app.
Using Blogs : The first and easiest way to utilize blogging is to get to know some bloggers who write about Android and Android tablet apps.

Using LinkedIN : Its power for you as an app marketer lies in the fact that there are literally thousands of groups you can review and join to take part in discussions and promote your apps. 

Using Youtube : So, a video is a must when you are trying to market your Android and Android tablet apps. Your video should be posted on your product website and blog. It should also be used when contacting reviewers to attract their attention.

Here are a few basic ideas to help you develop your Android and Android tablet app video:
• Keep the video short! No more than two minutes in length.
• Make your video engaging. Humor, where appropriate, doesn’t hurt.
• Write out a script to cover what you will say in the video. Shooting the video without a script will look like, well, you shot the video without a script!
• Present the video in a “problem/solution/demo” format. State the problem your buyer is having. Then state the solution your app provides. Demonstrate the app in a brief demo.
• In your video, ask the buyer to go to your product web page or blog, as well as to the Android Market, to learn more.

Why Have a Marketing Plan

So, following the popular Top Ten List format, here are the top ten reasons you should create a marketing plan. 

1. Focuses on your target market
2. Allocates marketing funds
3. Measures your progress
4. Provides a roadmap for growth
5. Helps you obtain funding
6. Coordinates your app launches
7. Sets realistic sales targets
8. Evaluates your competitors
9. Sets prices and defines promotions
10. Defines a strong value proposition


How to become freelancer developer


                   A freelancer or freelance worker is a term commonly used for a person who is self-employed and is not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelance workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work.


  • Flexible working hours : The ability to work the hours you want is a huge advantage for most people. Family commitments and school runs, part-time study, or simply your internal body clock’s unique cycle may mean that you prefer to work early in the morning, or late into the evening.
  • Flexible work location : Work from any location
  • Choice of projects : As a freelancer, once you’re established, you’re in control—you have the opportunity to refuse projects or clients.
  • Being in charge : The feeling of strength and autonomy that comes from being in charge of your life’s direction is a major drawcard.
  • Constant education : Freelancing can allow you the flexibility to spend more time on research and planned education than would a normal nine-to-five job.
  • Variety of projects : Wide variety of projects you have the opportunity to work across multiple industries and switch your focus between large and small projects

  • Financial insecurity : Easily the biggest disadvantage for many people is that ocean effect upon the bank balance. This problem can largely be avoided by understanding, controlling, and being acutely aware of your cash flow.
  • Loneliness : It’s not uncommon for freelancers to feel absolutely cut off from the rest of the world, especially if they’re single and working from home.
  • No Fixed schedule : Blurring of home and work times
  • Wearing all those different hats :  This can, of course, also become an issue when your clients start thinking they can call you anytime.Wearing all those different hats selling, marketing, bookkeeping, dealing with legal matters, debt collecting, and the like.
  • Loss of salaried benefits : Freelancers are susceptible to letting themselves down when it comes to health benefits, holiday planning, superannuation, and insurance.
Skills Required for Freelancing

  • Technical Skills : For a developer, possessing technical skills means that you’re technically competent in your language or languages of choice: PHP, Ruby on Rails, Microsoft .NET, and the like. Consider your areas of weakness, and research what’s involved in strengthening these areas—you’ll probably find that they’re easier to fill out than you thought.
  • Business Skills : It’s vitally important to have, or at least be aware of, the fundamentals of business before you consider running your own. If you plan to succeed, you’ll need a solid understanding of cash flow, marketing, time management, customer service, and other areas.
  • Organizational Skills : Your ability to be well organized, or at the very least to keep on top of those dreary administrative duties, will be paramount to your success. Start by reading personal productivity books and blogs, and research the different techniques of organization.
  • Interpersonal Skills : You may think that the freelance life would suit the shy or socially inept recluse, beavering away alone. Unfortunately, however, an aversion to social contact could limit your opportunities more than you think.
  • Productive interaction with clients and prospective clients, not to mention your suppliers, will become a crucial part of your success, so embrace human contact and be personable.

Successful Freelancer Personality Traits

Typically, though, these are the predominant personality traits and abilities you’ll be likely to find in a successful freelancer:

  • Ambition
  • An aptitude for problem solving
  • Courage
  • A mature outlook
  • A high level of communication skills
  • A strong work ethic
  • Perfectionism
  • A professional attitude
  • Self-confidence

In real-life terms, this means that to be a successful freelancer, you should be able to find resonance in many of the following characteristics; ideally, you:
  • Believe organization includes keeping the workspace tidy and planning ahead
  • Form short-term and long-term plans, preferably detailed on paper
  • Remain calm and able to work through issues in times of stress
  • Are able to handle a high level of responsibility
  • Understand that research goes beyond a two-minute Google search
  • Appreciate the role of financial planning
  • Are passionate about design or development, or both
  • Understand that budgeting means planning ahead, not spending every cent as it comes in value your health as important, so that you exercise and get regular checkups
  • Consider freelancing because you believe you can be successful, not just to escape your current job
  • Understand selling and embrace the process
  • Have a good support network of family and friends
  • Acknowledge that cash flow is vital to success
  • Appreciate that education is a continual process, not a once-off effort to gain a qualification
  • Plan towards gaining a work–life balance, and not work round the clock
  • Realize that customer service is about empathy and understanding, not just saying sorry after the fact

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Workout Guide: Fitness guide for Weight tracking, gym workouts and exercise, running and diet.

           Workout Guide is a fitness guide for someone who wants to track weight , workouts and running. Workout Guide helps you to reach your fitness goals. Workout Guide has many exercises and workouts for training at your gym or at home. App also is fitness training guide.

Workout Guide has the following sections:
Profile Helps you to view your progress of weight gain or loss.

Weight Statistics
Provides visual graph of your weight gain or loss progress

Gym Routine
You can create Different workouts routines that will help you to schedule your weekly work.

Gym Workout
Different guided workouts that will allow you to build body at Gym or home.

Gym Exercises
More than 100 different exercises to do at the gym with description of the exercise, info about involved muscles and images.

This screen will help you to track your distance run accurately using GPS.

This screen will help you support your work in the gym with nutrition advice so that you know what, when and how to eat to achieve your goals.

App also explains how to use the fitness equipment’s and different fitness exercise which can be done at home and in gym.
This app is free, we only ask you for your positive rating so that more people knows the app and we can keep improving it.
Download Workout guide from Playstore 


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Goal Settings to achieve success in life

               Setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation

                First you create your "big picture" of what you want to do with your life (or over, say, the next 10 years), and identify the large-scale goals that you want to achieve. Then, you break these down into the smaller and smaller targets that you must hit to reach your lifetime goals. Finally, once you have your plan, you start working on it to achieve these goals.

Following are the areas were you can set goals

  • Career – What level do you want to reach in your career, or what do you want to achieve?
  • Financial – How much do you want to earn, by what stage? How is this related to your career goals? 
  • Education – Is there any knowledge you want to acquire in particular? What information and skills will you need to have in order to achieve other goals? 
  • Family – Do you want to be a parent? If so, how are you going to be a good parent? How do you want to be seen by a partner or by members of your extended family? 
  • Artistic – Do you want to achieve any artistic goals? 
  • Attitude – Is any part of your mindset holding you back? Is there any part of the way that you behave that upsets you? (If so, set a goal to improve your behavior or find a solution to the problem.) 
  • Physical – Are there any athletic goals that you want to achieve, or do you want good health deep into old age? What steps are you going to take to achieve this? 
  • Pleasure – How do you want to enjoy yourself? (You should ensure that some of your life is for you!) 
  • Public Service – Do you want to make the world a better place? If so, how?
           Once you have set your lifetime goals, set a five-year plan of smaller goals that you need to complete if you are to reach your lifetime plan.  Then create a one-year plan, six-month plan, and a one-month plan of progressively smaller goals that you should reach to achieve your lifetime goals. Each of these should be based on the previous plan.
Then create a daily To-Do List of things that you should do today to work towards your lifetime goals

Goals should be SMART  

· S – Specific (or Significant).
· M – Measurable (or Meaningful).
· A – Attainable (or Action-Oriented).
· R – Relevant (or Rewarding).
· T – Time-bound (or Trackable).


How to generate great ideas

Following are some of the tips to generate great ideas

Connecting Dots from Disparate Fields : What if we combine this one existing idea/product with another existing idea/product to solve a problem?

Expanded Knowledge Base : Creativity is about connecting the dots. The more dots you have to work with, the more combinations available to help generate new ideas. Curiosity generates more knowledge (dots), which precedes creativity. Creative people always ask why and continuously question the assumptions behind the existing business models, product designs, and business processes.One thing we know about creativity is that it typically occurs when people who have mastered two or more quite different fields use the framework in one to think afresh about the other.
Imagination is the right brain asking what if by connecting dots in imaginative ways, as reflected by Einstein’s quote, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

Nominal Stress (Creative Tension) : For the violin string to produce the right tone it needs the right amount of stress. Under too much tension the string snaps; without any tension, it does not produce any music. Similarly the mind needs creative tension. Creative tension is the gap between where we are and where we want to be.

Takes Time : Creative problem solving requires time to engage the mind in exploring what if before locking into how to. Also, it takes time to develop a raw creative idea and get it ready for implementation.

Stay curious : Every year ask yourself, “How am I more valuable to my organization than I was a year ago? Make a habit of asking questions. Seek assignments beyond your job description. Attend industry conferences outside your field. Take full advantage of every learning opportunity every experience is a building block to a creative life.

Few other tips :

  • Developing creative ideas requires persistence. 
  • Engage in Observation Sessions 
  • Socialize Outside Your Normal Circles
  • Read More Books
  • Randomly Surf the Web
  • Keep a Regular Journal
  • Meditate


How to develop Intellectual Curiosity

      If we want to grow intellectually, morally, socially, and spiritually, we need to ask questions and seek answers. We need intellectual curiosity. The intellectually curious person has a deep and persistent desire to know. She asks and seeks answers to the “why” questions. And she doesn’t stop asking at a surface level, but instead asks probing questions in order to peel back layers of explanation to get at the foundational ideas concerning a particular issue. 
Curiosity is an important trait of a genius. I don’t think you can find an intellectual giant who is not a curious person. Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, they are all curious characters 
Some tips to develop it 
1. Keep an open mind : This is essential if you are to have a curious mind. Be open to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Some things you know and believe might be wrong, and you should be prepared to accept this possibility and change your mind. 
2. Don’t take things as granted : If you just accept the world as it is without trying to dig deeper, you will certainly lose the ‘holy curiosity’. Never take things as granted. Try to dig deeper beneath the surface of what is around you. 
3. Ask questions relentlessly : A sure way to dig deeper beneath the surface is asking questions: What is that? Why is it made that way? When was it made? Who invented it? Where does it come from? How does it work? What, why, when, who, where, and how are the best friends of curious people. 
4. Don’t label something as boring : Whenever you label something as boring, you close one more door of possibilities. Curious people are unlikely to call something as boring. Instead, they always see it as a door to an exciting new world. Even if they don’t yet have time to explore it, they will leave the door open to be visited another time. 
5. See learning as something fun : If you see learning as a burden, there’s no way you will want to dig deeper into anything. That will just make the burden heavier. But if you think of learning as something fun, you will naturally want to dig deeper. So look at life through the glasses of fun and excitement and enjoy the learning process.
6. Read diverse kinds of reading : Don’t spend too much time on just one world; take a look at another worlds. It will introduce you to the possibilities and excitement of the other worlds which may spark your interest to explore them further. One easy way to do this is through reading diverse kinds of reading. Try to pick a book or magazine on a new subject and let it feed your mind with the excitement of a new world.

Monday, October 31, 2016

How to find your passion

  • Choose a subject on which you have a deep passion. You'll know you are passionate about a subject if you devote your most precious resource to it. Time.
  • What do you love to spend time doing, learning, watching or studying? What would you do even if you weren't going to get paid for doing it? What is a hobby or an avid interest that you have been following for some time that has caused you to make some distinctions others would not have made? What is a subject you have invested your own hard-earned money on to experience, or to evolve your ability
  • Select a topic you are willing to practice day and night to perfect, making finer and finer distinctions. Choose a subject that would not feel like work to you to make those distinctions but instead would feel like play. Top sportspeople put in what would seem to others like painstaking hours of practicing, but these people live in the ‘forward’. They project themselves into the future and see the very moment when the practice will pay off for the biggest reward. When the clock is counting down and it's going down to the wire for them, that's the time they planned for, and they seize the moment and create history.
  • Is there a subject on which you have high levels of natural ability? For others it may seem difficult or even impossible, but for you it's easy to perform better than others? You may not even know at this point why or how you find it easy, but you just do. Other people will probably have voiced how gifted you seem or maybe they even called you lucky.
  • It is very important to choose a subject that fits your personality type. Without doubt, the best profiling tool I have come across is Talent Dynamics. I thoroughly recommend doing this not just for you, but also for the people you will employ as part of your team. Making sure you select the right people for the right job is crucial in building a world-class team and building a successful ‘expert’ business.
  • Finally, once you think you have found your subject, the last sanity check is to establish if there are good profits to be made from the subject. You'll need to be sure that there are people who are hunting for information to master the subject themselves or to solve a problem that they have. Remember, all businesses must sell a product or service to make profit, and all products or services must solve a problem or enhance people's lives to be of value. Also, consider the longevity of the subject. Will it be a passing fad or an evergreen topic that people will always want solutions for?

Monday, May 9, 2016

What is patent, types of patent and generate patent ideas (Patent Definition)

Patent, types of patent and generate patent ideas              

                 A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for detailed public disclosure of an invention. An invention is a solution to a specific technological problem and is a product or a process.

               Innovation was defined as a complex series of activities beginning when the original idea is conceived (conception), proceeding through a succession of interwoven steps of research, development, engineering design, market analysis, management decision making, and so on, and ending when an industrially successful product (which may be a thing, a technique, or a process) is accepted in the marketplace.

Parts of patent :
  1. a title;
  2. a cross-reference to other related patent applications which have already been filed;
  3. a section describing the background and general technical area of the invention, which will sometimes include reasons why prior inventions are lacking;
  4. a summary of the invention;
  5. a description of the contents in any drawings;
  6. a detailed description of the invention;
  7. a series of examples used to illustrate how the invention is made, used, or is different from the prior art;
  8. a listing of desired claims; and,
  9. an abstract describing the invention in a general way so that the invention can be easily searched.

Types of patent :
  • Utility Patents
  • Utility Model Patents
  • Design Patents
  • Plant Patents

Following are some of the ways to think to generate patent ideas:

  • Have deep knowledge on the domain and have diverse knowledge.
  • Combine two ideas into one or make the existing one better.
  • Perform prior search whether same exists or some one have patented.
  • Document all the research and work which you have done to keep track in future.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How to plan and set goals

* Setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life and what you want to achieve. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation.

* Create your long term goal of what you want to do with your life say, the next 10 or 20 years Then, you break these down into the smaller and smaller targets like yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily goals.
    * Once you have your plan, you start working on it to achieve these goals.
      * Some of the areas where you can have your goals are Career , Financial , Education , Family , Physical , Self Development, Pleasure , Public Service.
        * Make goals as SMART (S- Specific ,M- Measurable, A-  Attainable, R- Relevant, T-  Time-bound ) and set deadline to each of those.


          How to plan your day

          * Best time to plan your day is the night before, make the list of all the tasks which needs to be accomplished next day. By doing this your subconscious mind will be working on those tasks.

          * Make list of tasks to do and assign priority and timeframe.

          * Break the larger tasks into minute tasks, atleast 15 minutes.

          * As soon as you accomplish the tasks strick or delete it.

          How to become rich

          * To become rich you need to think rich.

          * Work extra hours and learn additional skills.

          * Invest in shares and diversify your savings in Mutual fund, gold, bonds, fixed deposit etc.

          * Follow a role model who have already achieved wealth and do what they do.


          Tuesday, March 3, 2015

          Stock market secrets

          * Buy when stocks are low and sell when stocks are high. Look at the management before investing. Same holds good for mutual fund.

          * Buy shares in limit order and sell with market order.

          * While selling make the plan and set the upper and lower threshold limit price which you will sell. Invest in shares for long term for maximum returns.

          * Invest in companies which doesn't have loans and debts. Invest in brand value company. Check the consistency of last 5 years and check competitors.

          * Prepare entry and exit plan before trading. Have discipline while trading.

          * Dont invest more than 205 in single investment. Make master plan of how to trade.

          * Diversify your investment to reduce risk, trade with trends (Current trends), done listen to news, listen to real news. Dont listen to broker. Dont buy shared based on news.

          * Buy shares in uptrend and sell in down trens. If there is a demand, stock price moves up and if there is supply is more then stock falls.

          * Exit blindly if the stop loss trigers i.e if stock is going down.

          * Invest in stock market with clear goal. Exit your position if your goal is achieved and dont be greedy. Dont have emotion with stocks or company. Take your profits regularly.

          Monday, February 16, 2015

          6 Ideas for Making Money

          Ideas for Making Money

          * Save, sell something which is not used, pay less tax, increase your income, borrow money from others, don't pay interest, cut down expenses, maintain contact with rich people, automate savings.

          * Small business ideas : Find hungry market, find the ways where we get more money, solve people complex problem.

          * Trading basic rules : Dont invest more that 20% of you income in single investment, create master plan of how to trade, diversify your investment to reduce risk, trade with current trends, dont listen to media news (listen to real news), have disciplines in trading, buy when stocks are low and sell when stocks are high.

          * Mutual fund buying tips: Look at management before investing in the MF.

          * Online ideas : Write article online, Create blog/website, Teach someones, Earn through youtube.

          * Business Ideas : Gym or Fitness center, Tuition Class, Freelancer, Computer Trainer, Recruitment Firm, Web Designing & hosting, Starting online Blog, Data Entry services, SEO Consultant, E-tuitions/ Webinar, E-book selling


          Tuesday, February 10, 2015

          Improve memory

          * Do memory map to recall all the things happened in past. Recall all the funny incidents.

          * Have lots of discussion , teach others, listen to audio visual, give presentation.

          * Play mind games, get organized with to do list, master a new skills, clench your right feast, learn something new before you sleep, exercise more, drink more milk, eat right diet daily and drink water, keep thinking all the time, sleep daily for 6 - 8 hrs.


          How to stay healthy

          * Meditate yourself by doing focus count. Start with one, while meditation when your mind goes out of concentration, increase count. Check the final count after each meditation.

          * Do yoga and exercise 30 mins and 5 days a week.

          Monday, February 9, 2015

          7 Ways To Improve Your social networking skills

          Improve social networking skills

          * Register to community or groups in the society and make new friends

          * Find people at meet and start meeting people, search for interested events and meet , in Facebook register to groups, join charity groups , search for scientific events.

          * Share something interesting like joke or tech with your friends. Think how can i help my friends.

          * Looking approachable : Smile and talk to people, dress well and neat, be confident, no fear, have new hobbies to go outside.

          * Avoid shy : Read caring for introvert, change your thinking, study the no shy people, talk slowly, focus on talking slowly always, networking is giving them something, helping someone.

          * Give them something, concentrate on what they talk, listen to them, ask questions, talk to people what they like.

          * Some of the conversation topics are valuable experience of your life, tell stories, talk about your CV, talk about your work, product.


          Self development

          * Moving out of comfort zone : If you set out of comfort zone then you are growing else you die, comfort zone allows you to explore more, take a activity which will scare like presentation, marathon, sky dying etc. list some of things to come out of comfort zone, find what is my comfort zone and what actions need to be taken to move out of comfort zone.

          * Don't make excuses and don't blame others. Make habit of taking responsibility. Make different choices.

          * Don't ask responsibility but take responsibility. Take more initiative.

          * Have confidence in you , talk positively to yourself , positively visualize yourself what you want to achieve, hang out with successful, energetic people, read inspirational things , eat healthy and exercise regularly , have positive expectations

          * Break big problems into small ones , set small target to achieve, ask the experts.

          * Identify and write your insecurities  or which you are ashamed of. Start talking to people, don't dwell on your mistakes, identify which you are great at and improve, be thankful of what you have , eliminate negativity , accept compliments , stick to your principles , help others, do something which you will make happy.

          * Believe in yourself , practice everyday, be ontime , integrity , give self love to yourself , reward to yourself , implement morning rituals.

          * Identify what did I do wrong last year, what do I need to do next year, what are the goals for next year, how can I make your job easier, skills to develop, how can I improve our business.

          * To avoid stress do things you like.

          * Have strong will power, take baby step, good habit every day, hang out with successful people, first avoid bad habits , get motivated, change daily routines and practice, get knowledge and act on the knowledge , make action list and follow.

          * Learn new skills every year , find what skills are required to achieve my goals and build on that.

          * Set long term goal and constantly review it, set SMART goals, before setting long term goal think where I want to be in next 5 years , how do I want to spend time,
          Break long term goals into short term goals, from short term goals take smallest task and complete and then move on and celebrate. Plan for for distractions and failures.

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