Monday, May 9, 2016

How to Remap the Hardware Buttons On Your Android Phone

Remap the Hardware Buttons On Your Android Phone

Suppose you want to make volume keys in Android device as power key, then perform following steps :

Note : Please make sure your device is rooted.
  • In Android, hardware key mapping details are present under /system/usr/keylayout/keypad.kl.
  • Pull keypad.kl and change VOLUME_DOWN or VOLUME_UP to POWER and add  WAKE, like below (Make sure device is rooted)
  • For Volume UP key
                         key 115   VOLUME_UP
                         key 115   POWER     WAKE
  • For Volume Down key

                         key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
                         key 115   POWER     WAKE
  • Push keypad.kl, now you can see that VOLUME keys will perform as power key

What is patent, types of patent and generate patent ideas (Patent Definition)

Patent, types of patent and generate patent ideas              

                 A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for detailed public disclosure of an invention. An invention is a solution to a specific technological problem and is a product or a process.

               Innovation was defined as a complex series of activities beginning when the original idea is conceived (conception), proceeding through a succession of interwoven steps of research, development, engineering design, market analysis, management decision making, and so on, and ending when an industrially successful product (which may be a thing, a technique, or a process) is accepted in the marketplace.

Parts of patent :
  1. a title;
  2. a cross-reference to other related patent applications which have already been filed;
  3. a section describing the background and general technical area of the invention, which will sometimes include reasons why prior inventions are lacking;
  4. a summary of the invention;
  5. a description of the contents in any drawings;
  6. a detailed description of the invention;
  7. a series of examples used to illustrate how the invention is made, used, or is different from the prior art;
  8. a listing of desired claims; and,
  9. an abstract describing the invention in a general way so that the invention can be easily searched.

Types of patent :
  • Utility Patents
  • Utility Model Patents
  • Design Patents
  • Plant Patents

Following are some of the ways to think to generate patent ideas:

  • Have deep knowledge on the domain and have diverse knowledge.
  • Combine two ideas into one or make the existing one better.
  • Perform prior search whether same exists or some one have patented.
  • Document all the research and work which you have done to keep track in future.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to change boot animation in Android

Kindly follow below instructions to change bootaimantion on Android devices.

* Create two folders part0, part1 and place the several animation images (.png format) with the dimension of the mobile in these folder.
* The images in the part0 folder are usually repeated once, and the frames in part1 folder are usually looped several times, or infinite.
* Create desc.txt file and following lines

320 480 24
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1

* The numbers 320 and 480 is the resolution of your boot animation. Change them as you want. The number 24 means the speed of the animation. The "p 1 0 part0" property means that the frames in part0 folder will be repeated once. The second number is the delay between loops, and it's expressed in milliseconds (1000ms = 1s).And last, but not least, you set the folder with the folder name - in this case is part0.
* The part1 folder - that's "p 0 0 part1". The first "0" means that the folder will be looping infinite times, the second "0" means there's no delay between loops, and then we set the folder to part1.

Compress the folders using below command :
zip -Z store part0/* part1/* desc.txt

Make sure the device is rooted and push the bootanimation using the below command.

-adb remount
-adb push /system/media/
-adb reboot

Now you will be able to see the changed bootanimation.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How to plan and set goals

* Setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life and what you want to achieve. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation.

* Create your long term goal of what you want to do with your life say, the next 10 or 20 years Then, you break these down into the smaller and smaller targets like yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily goals.
    * Once you have your plan, you start working on it to achieve these goals.
      * Some of the areas where you can have your goals are Career , Financial , Education , Family , Physical , Self Development, Pleasure , Public Service.
        * Make goals as SMART (S- Specific ,M- Measurable, A-  Attainable, R- Relevant, T-  Time-bound ) and set deadline to each of those.


          How to plan your day

          * Best time to plan your day is the night before, make the list of all the tasks which needs to be accomplished next day. By doing this your subconscious mind will be working on those tasks.

          * Make list of tasks to do and assign priority and timeframe.

          * Break the larger tasks into minute tasks, atleast 15 minutes.

          * As soon as you accomplish the tasks strick or delete it.

          How to become rich

          * To become rich you need to think rich.

          * Work extra hours and learn additional skills.

          * Invest in shares and diversify your savings in Mutual fund, gold, bonds, fixed deposit etc.

          * Follow a role model who have already achieved wealth and do what they do.


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